刘春潮 官方网站


刘春潮,画家、诗人。男,白族,生于云南临沧。现为中山美术馆馆长。系中国美术家协会会员、中山市美术家协会副主席兼秘书长、中国音乐文学学会会员、广东省作家协会会员。   出版《中国优秀美术家丛书—刘春潮“爱莲说”系列作品集》《刘春潮作品选》《中国当代艺术名家精品系列——刘春潮“爱莲说之归尘”漆画系列作品选(一)》《漆画•漆话——刘春潮漆画作品集》及诗集《空椅子》《感谢水》。   作品及评论发表于《美术》《中国美术》《中国艺术报》《美术报》《中国花鸟画》《美术大观》《中国岩彩画教材》《画风》等刊物,被中国美术家协会、文化部、中国岩彩画研究所、中国中央电视台书画院等机构及国际友人收藏,被《凤凰卫视》等媒体报道。   Liu Chunchao, a painter and poet, male, of Bai nationality (an ethnic group in China), was born in Lincang County, Yunnan Province, China. He is now president of Zhongshan Art Museum, a member of China Artists Association, vice-president and secretary-general of Zhongshan Artists Association, a member of the Chinese Music Literature Association, and a member of Guangdong Writers’ Association.   His paintings and art reviews have been published in various professional periodicals such as the Fine Arts, the China Fine Arts, the China Flower-and-bird Painting, the Art Panorama, in newspapers such as the China Art News and the China Art Weekly, and in the Textbook of Chinese Mineral Color Painting, and etc. And his paintings have been collected by individuals as well as many organizations such as the China Artists Association, the Ministry of Culture of PRC, the CCTV Calligraphy and Painting Research Academy, the Research Center of Chinese Mineral Color Painting, and etc. And he was interviewed and reported by Phoenix TV, a very famous TV channel in China and Southeast Asia.   Published Albums: Liu Chunchao’s Lotus Sage Series of the Chinese Excellent Artists Series;Selected Works of Liu Chunchao;Lotus Sage•Dust to Dust — Liu Chunchao’s Selected Lacquer Paintings (Vol.1) of the Contemporary;Chinese Artistes’ Selections;Lacquer: Painting and Interpreting — Liu Chunchao’s Lacquer Paintings   Published Poetry Collections:Empty Chair,Odes to Water.